2011年6月30日 星期四

手與心的連結(put your heart on the line)



        很多時候會因為工作、因為生活瑣事,讓自己沒有動力提起筆來創作,這時就如同與自己斷線一般 ,因為沒有感覺,所以更不想創作,也會開始懷念起曾經沉浸在創作裡的美好時光。要怎麼才能找回那自在創作的感覺呢?

       收集一些零碎的時間,隨手收集一些喜歡的圖案或物品,看到什麼東西喜歡或感興趣就試著畫下來、抄寫下來,像是幫手和心做連結的暖機狀態。漸漸的,創作成為我們生活的一部分,那些熟悉的感覺會慢慢回來,就像呼吸一樣,心也會暖暖的,這樣的感覺,包含了滿足與喜悅。透過手與心的連結,我們也搭起與自己相處、對話的橋梁(也就是on the line)。

      查了on the line ,發現Michael jackson的一首歌就叫《On the line》 ,不錯聽喔!歌詞也很棒!

No sense pretending it's over沒有要結束的跡象
Hard times just don't go away低潮和困苦依然在

You gotta take that chip off your shoulder你須放下負擔。

It's time you open up, have some faith該是你放開的時候了,虔誠些

Nothing good ever comes easy好事多磨,來之不易

All good things come in due time (yes they do.....)功到自然成(是的,的確這樣)

You gotta have something to believe in你必須有自己的信仰

I'm telling you to open your mind我是在告訴你開放思維

Gotta put your heart on the line必須用心

If you wanna make it right如果你想好轉起來

You've got to reach out and try你已開始伸手嘗試

Gotta put your heart on the line必須用心

If you wanna get it right如果你想好轉起來

Gotta put it all on the line必須全力以赴

You see yourself in the mirror你看著鏡中的自己

And you don't like what you see...(oooo.....)你並不喜歡你所看到的

And things are getting much clearer一切變得更加清楚得多

Don't you think it's time you go for a change你是否想過是做個改變的時候了

Don't waste your time on the past (no, no...)別把時間消耗在過去,不要,不要

It's time you look to the future (oooo....)現在你該考慮未來

It's all right there if you ask如果你邁出了第一步就很好

This time you could try much harder這次你可以加倍努力

You'll be the best that you can be你將成為最好的自己

Gotta put your heart on the line必須用心

If you wanna make it right如果你想好轉起來

You've got to reach out and try你已開始努力嘗試

Gotta put your heart on the line必須用心

If you wanna get it right如果你想好轉起來

Gotta put it all on the line必須全力以赴

If you wanna make it right如果你想好轉起來

(If you wanna make it right)

If you wanna do it now如果你想現在行動

(do it now)

You gotta learn to try你必須學會嘗試

(If you gotta learn to try)

You can make it work somehow你將發現你可以作到

(Make it work somehow)

It's just the way to you now ?現在這就是你面前的道路

You gotta go for what you want你必須為你的夢想付諸行動

You've gotta know你必須知道

You've got to shine, Girl你已開始光彩照人。




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